
Route Info

The Cycle NC Coastal Ride provides route opportunities for riders new to the sport and those that have logged more miles than you can count. Our Host Towns provide us with the opportunity to offer various routes throughout the area utilizing flat roads with minimal traffic counts.  Multiple route options will be offered each day ranging anywhere from 5 miles all the way up to 80 miles with a 100 mile route option offered on Saturday. Routes will start and finish from the same location.

All routes are fully supported with rest stops, Support And Gear vehicles (SAG’s), and bike mechanics. The rest stops or aid stations, feature FREE snacks, energy bars, assorted drinks, water, PB&J sandwiches, restrooms and an opportunity to dismount, stretch and explore the area.  

Typical CNC Coastal Ride Route Schedule

Friday:  9:00am to 4:00pm   
Saturday:  7:30am to 4:00pm
Sunday: 7:30am to 2:00pm


Additional Route Information:

Ride With GPS Links:
The Cycle NC Coastal Ride routes are powered by Ride With GPS, an online route software tailored for cycling.  The Ride with GPS software offers download options for a variety of Garmin GPS Models (i.e. Garmin Edge 800, 810, 500, 1000, etc.)   

An RSVP link to will be e-mailed to registered riders the Monday before the event that will provide you access to all the Coastal Ride routes.  You will also have access to premium membership features for this event at no additional cost. These features include turn by turn voice navigation for the mobile app (iOS and Android), offline maps for the mobile app, export options in a variety of formats (TCX, Garmin Write, GPX, GPX Route, etc.) and the ability to download and print maps, elevation profiles, etc. 

Turn by Turn Cue Sheets and Route Maps:
The Cycle NC route sheets featuring turn by turn instructions and detailed maps will be provided electronically for you to print and download prior to the ride.  You are encouraged to come with your routes pre-printed, however, if you still need one or two copies, we will have a limited number of route sheets available at the Cycle NC Rider Services area.   

Bike Mechanics:
If you find your bike needs some assistance during the ride, bike mechanics will be at the start/finish and at various rest stops along the routes.  

Support And Gear Vehicles (SAG):
All the routes are fully supported with CNC vehicles to provide assistance to riders in need.  Personal SAGs are not allowed on the routes at any time.