COMPETITION SITE: OrthoCarolina Sportsplex
COMPETITION DATES: June 22-23, 2024
DIVISIONS OFFERED: Men's A, B & Masters plus Women's Open
- Men's A: NCAA Alumni teams and similar top level teams
- Men's B: College Club teams and other Adult Teams that typically play B Division in other tournaments.
- Masters: 35+ with 3 player exceptions that can be age 32-34.
ENTRY FEE: Registration fees starting at $725 per team. Fees increase starting on April 15. Click “Register” for more details.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 11:59pm on June 9 DEADLINE EXTENDED! 11:59pm on June 12
** This is a hard deadline - registration and payment must be received by this time in order to participate.
ROSTER DEADLINE: All teams must submit their roster online by June 16. This can be done using the “Team Member Log-in” option on the registration page.
TOURNAMENT FORMAT: Teams are guaranteed a minimum of 4 games. Separate Men's divisions will be offered so long as there are enough teams for each division to make. Tournament Staff has the right to combine the Men's teams if necessary.
** Forfeit Fee: Any team that drops out of the tournament once the schedule has been posted or forfeits a game during the tournament will be assessed a $100 fee.
TOURNAMENT RULES: NCAA College Rules will apply in addition to the following:
- The match will consist of 23 minute running half, 5 minute half time
- Each team will have 1 timeout per half. The clock keeps running during the timeout, so make it short. No timeouts in the last 2 minutes of play in the second half.
- No horns.
- No time counts except for the goalie.
- 5 longpoles maximum.
- Penalty time will be 2x the norm for stop time. For example, a 1 minute stop time slashing penalty will be a 2 minute running time penalty in this tournament.
- If the match ends in a tie, a sudden death overtime will decide the match.
- No motorcycle grip on the face off.